ENGLISH/अंग्रेजी पूर्व माध्यमिक परीक्षा, कक्षा-8 वीं MODEL QUESTION PAPER SET-III

 पूर्व माध्यमिक परीक्षा, कक्षा-8 वीं



Time: 3.00 Hrs.

Max. Marks: 80


(i) Attempt all the questions.

(ii) The marks allotted for each questions are mentioned in front of them.

Choose the correct answers:

Q. 1. Sudha made a historic come back on: (2)

(a) 15 October, 1983

(b) 1 January, 1982

(c) 28 January, 1984.

Q. 2. The Red-Fort, Jantar-Mantar and the Taj Mahal are : (2)

(a) monuments

(b) museums

(b) parks.

Q. 3. A person who cannot hear is : (2)

(a) blind 

(b) dumb

(c) deaf.

Q. 4. Which performing, Sudha wore :


(a) modern costume

(b) traditional costume

(c) western costume.

Q. 5. Who is called 'The Birdman of India':  (2)

(a) Salim Ali

(b) Dr. W.S. Milland

(c) Amineddin.

Q. 6. The squirres is able to : (2)

(a) make a sphere

(b) crack a nut

(c) make up a year.

Ans. 1. (c), 2. (a), 3. (c), 4. (b), 5. (a), 6. (b).

Q. 7. Change the Opposite word of following: (3)

1. Love

2. Far

3. Poor

4. Bad

5. Easy

6. High.

Ans. 1. Hate, 2. Near, 3. Rich, 4. Good, 5. Diffi-cult, 6. Low.

Q. 8. Change the Gender of following words  (3)

1. Lady

2. God

3. Husband

4. Poet

5. Horse

6. Milkman.

Ans. 1. Gentleman, 2. Goddess, 3. Wife, 4. Poet-ess, 5. Mare, 6. Milkmaid.

Q. 9. Give the Singular Number of the follow-ing: (3)

1. Feet

2. Oxen

3. Toys

4. Stories

5. Deer

6. Brushes.

Ans. 1. Foot, 2. Ox, 3. Toy, 4. Story, 5. Deer, 6. Brush.

Q. 10. Find out the correct word with the help of the clues given below: (4)

1. The part of the tree that helps it to stand firmly

→R – – – – – – – – – 

2. We get wood for farniture from it

→T – – – – – – – – – 

3. An animal with black strips on yellow fur

→T– – – – – – – – – 

4. An insect that sucs nectar of flower

  B– – – – – – – – – 

Ans. 1. Root, 2. Tree, 3. Tiger, 4. Butterfly.

Q. 11. Write True (✔) or False (x) in the brack- ets: (4)

1. The shoes were made by the elves at night.


2. The train is faster than fairies and witches.


3. Travelling increases knowledge.


4. Sudha has not worked in any film.


Ans. 1. True, 2. True, 3. True, 4. False.

Q. 12. Match the coloumn 'A' to 'B': (4)

      'A'                                      'B'

1. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam –to improve

2. Modified                     – Dr. Salim Ali

3. Father of Nation      – Missile man

4. Dharti Pranam           –Gandhi ji

5. Madurai             –Mudras in 'Panthi'

6. Birdman of India       –Cricket

7. Sachin Tendulkar    –Indian folk art

8. Panthi dance              –Tamilnadu.

Ans. 1. Missile man, 2. to imporve, 3. Gandhiji, 4. Mudras in 'Panthi', 5. Tamilnadu, 6. Dr. Salim Ali, 7. Cricket, 8. Indian folk art.

Q. 13. Rearrange the words and make correct sentences: (2)

1. without is mind the fear where.

2. tea would I like to drink.

Ans. 1. Where the mind is without fear.

2. 1 would like to drink tea.

Q. 14. Write one word for the following expres-sions after reading the clues: (5)

Chef, Rag picker, Singer, Museum, Information

1. One who sings. ....….....

2. We can get it from a newspaper, radio and T.V. ............

3. One who collects wastes.............

4. The place where we can see old thing ...........

5. One who cook in a hotel.............

Ans. 1. Singer, 2. Information, 3. Rag picker, 4. Museum, 5. Chef.

Q. 15. Answer the following questions (Any 5): (10)

1. Why did the little elves never come back?

Ans. The little elves became happy with the gift.

They blessed the shoemaker and his wife with good luck. Now they did not have to look back. So the little elves never came back.

2. Why were the people unhappy with Raja Varma's administration?

Ans. People were unhappy with Raja Varma's ad-ministration because everything was thrown into a dis-order. It so happened because of his hasty decisions and bad management of state affairs.

3. How can people move towards perfection?

Ans. People can move towards perfection by stretching their arms tirelessly towards it.

4. What role do feathers play in birds ?

Ans. Feathers of the birds give us an idea about the life they lead.

5. What makes the country feel proud?

Ans. The country feels proud when its people won honours and victories at international level.

6. What task is the mountain unable to per-form?

Ans. The mountain is unable to crack a nut.

7. Name some popular 'Mudras' in Panthi.

Ans. Some popular Mudras' in Panthi are 'Jai Stambh', 'Dharti Pranam' and 'Phool Arpan'.

Q. 16. Read the paragraph carefully, then complete the given exercises: (6)

Walter Hudson, who had died at Hampsted, New York aged 46 was once listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the heaviest man on earth. Walter Hudson was bom at Brooklyn in 1945. In 1970, when

his family moved to Hampstead, he was transported by motor-car. He then weighed 266 kg and broke the seat. He could not come out of it. He generally started his day with a breakfast of two pounds of meat, a dozen eggs, a loaf of bread, jam and coffee.

For lunch, Hudson favoured four very big bowls of rice, 8 boxes of fried potatoes, six large bottles of coca-cola and four double cheese burgers.

For dinner, he would eat six roasted corns, an-other six or seven baked potatoes. Between these meals he would eat a chicken or two, followed by noodles, six bottles of soda, sandwiches and ice-cream.

"All I cared", he recalled, "was food, food, food!"

Now Complete the table:

Hudson's Eating Habits







Dinner: -----------------------------------------------



Ans. Breakfast: two pounds of meat, a dozen eggs a loaf of bread, jam and coffee

Lunch: four very big bowls of rice, 8 boxes of fried potatoes, six large bottles of coca-cola and 4 double cheese burgers.

Dinner: Six roasted corns, six or seven baked potatoes, a chicken or two, noodles, six bottles of soda, sandwiches and ice-cream.

Q. 17. Read the following description of Fizza (a girl) based on her features given in the box: (6)

Name          :    Fizza

Age               :     21 years

Hair             :     black

Eyes               :      black

Height           :      5'2"

Build              :    slim

Complexion  :       wheatish

Dress                :       saree

Profession        :     teacher

Goes to school  :      by bus.

Now, write a paragraph by using the above discription.

Ans. Fizza is a teacher. She is 21 years old. She has black hair and black eyes. She is 5'2" (five feet and two inches tall.) She is slim. She has wheatish complexion. She wears saree. She goes to school by bus.

Q. 18. Write a letter to your father/mother ask-ing him/her to send you₹ 500 or 800 by money order. (8)


Sadar Bazar, Bilaspur

Date: 2-9-20....

My Dear Mother,

I received your loving letter today. I am quite well here. I am busy at studies. My examination will start soon. I need some money for some new books and school fee. So, kindly send me₹ 500 by money or-der.

       Convey my love to Golu and respect to father.

                                           Your loving son,


Q. 19. Write an essay on any one of the topics: (10)

(a) Any Pet

(b) A Great Leader

(c) Any Festival (Diwali)

(d) My Village.

Ans.               (a) Any Pet The Cow

Cow is a domestic animal. She is found every-where in India. She is very gentle and good.

Cow has four feet. She has two long horns, two long ears and two large eyes. She has a long tail also. Cows are of many colours. They are white, red, brown and black.

Cow grazes green grass. She eats grain husk and straw.

The cow is a very useful animal. She gives us milk.. Milk is good for health. We make curd, butter, ghee and sweets from milk. The cow also gives us calves and dung.

Cow dung is used for making manure. Calves grow into bullocks and pull the carts and ploughs. Hindus worship cow. We must take good care of her.

                (b) A Great Leader

"Lives of great men all remind us.

We can make our lives sublime."

Mahatma Gandhi was our greatest leader. We call him 'Bapu'.

He was born on 2nd October, 1869 at Porbander. He got his early education at his state. He went to England to study law. He became a barrister.

He fought for India's freedom. He worked for Hindu-Muslim unity. He loved the poor. He did a lot for their welfare. He served the sick and the lepers.

 He was a simple man. He wore very simple dress.

He had great faith in Truth, Ahinsa and God. He led the freedom movement of India. India won freedom under his leadership. This great man was shot-dead by a Nathu Ram Godse on 30th January, 1948. We can never forget him. We should try to follow his path.

                  (c) Any Festival (Diwali)

India is a country of fairs and festivals. We cel-ebrate many festivals every year. Diwali is our most important festival. It is a festival of lights. Diwali means "Rows of lamps."

Diwali is celebrated in the month of Kartik, On this day Lord Ram returned to Ayodhya after four-teen years.

Diwali is a festival of joy and pleasure. People welcome this festival with great joy. They white-wash and paint their house and shops.

On this day people worship Goddess Laxmi. They decorate their houses with burning lamps. Rows of burning tapers look very beautiful on this dark night. People wear new clothes and distribute sweets. Diwali is a good festival. We must celebrate this festival in a nice way.

                          (d) My Village

I live at village Mana. I was born here. Mana is a small village. It is in Raipur district. It is 13 km. from Raipur city.

Mana is beautiful village. It is rich in natural beauty. There is a small tank in my village. There is an old temple hearby. It is a Shiva-temple

The people of my village are very simple. They are mostly farmers. They grow rice and vegetables. My father is also a farmer. He is the Sarpanch of our village.

I am proud of my village. It is very dear to me.


Write a paragraph about a place you have visited.

A visit to Ambikapur

Ans. I went to Ambikapur with my whole family. It was for the first time I had been to a hill station. Since it was during the winter days, we could feel the beauty of water-fall along with hot food like momos, soup, maggie etc. This perfect holiday destination has temples, caves, hills, rivers, hot water springs and stunning water-falls. A visit to the hill station was like visiting heven in the earth. It was the best experience I have ever had.

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