पूर्व माध्यमिक परीक्षा, कक्षा-8 वीं
Time: 2.30 Hrs.
Max. Marks: 80
(i) Attempt all the questions.
(ii) The marks allotted for each questions are mentioned in front of them.
Choose the correct option:
Q. 1. Sudha Chandran was inspired by :(2)
(a) Helen Keller
(b) Elena Joln
(c) Valentina Tereskova.
Q. 2. J.A. is used for : (2)
(a) Jerusha and Abbott
(b) Jerusha Abbott
(c) Jean Abbott
(d) Jean L Jerusha.
Q. 3. One who is sick. He is a : (2)
(a) doctor
(b) patient
(c) driver
(d) artist.
Q. 4. The squirrel is able to : (2)
(a) make a sphere
(b) crack a nut
(c) make up a year
(d) carry forests.
Q. 5. The ISI mark is used for:(2)
(a) property
(b) health
Q. 6. The mountain is able to: (2)
(a) carry a forest
(b) crack a nut
(c) make a spry movement
(d) make up a year.
Q. 7. Write the Opposite word of following: (3)
1. Wise 2. Punish 3. Kind
4. Early 5. New 6. Before.
Ans. 1. Foolish, 2. Reward, 3. Cruel, 4. Late, 5. Old, 6. After.
Q. 8. Change the Gender of following words : (3)
1. Poet 2. Master 3. Brother
4. Prince 5. Lion 6. Sir.
Ans. 1. Poetess, 2. Mistress, 3. Sister, 4. Princess, 5. Lioness, 6. Madam.
Q. 9. Give the Singular Number of the follow-ing: (3)
1. Loaves 2. Teeth 3. Leaves
4. Keys 5. Calves 6. Mice.
Ans. 1. Loaf, 2. Tooth, 3. Leaf, 4. Key, 5. Calf, 6. Mouse.
Q. 10. Find out the correct word with the clues given below : (4)
1. A fairy like creature with pointed ears.
→E_ _.
2. These are hung at doors and windows.
→C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
3. It is a stage after flowering.
→F_ _ _ _ _.
4. The body of birds is covered with.
→F_ _ _ _ _ .
Ans. 1. Elf, 2. Curtains, 3. Fruit, 4. Feathers.
Q. 11. Write True (✔) or False (x) in the brack-ets:(4)
1. The shoemaker was very poor.
2. The child clambers and scrambles.(......√.....)
3. 'Travelia' is a modern disease of the rich.(....√........)
4. In a road accident Sudha lost her right hand.(.....×..)
Ans. 1. True, 2. True, 3. True, 4. False.
Q. 12. Match the column 'A' to 'B': (4)
'A' 'B'
1. Kalpana Chawla award –To make pure
2. Purified – Gandhi ji
3. Dandi march – Courage and daring
4. Mudras in 'Panthi' –Standard quality
5. City of Nector –Infectious disease
6. ISI mark –Madurai
7. Travelia –Phool Arpan
8. Sania Mirza –Tennis
Ans. 1. Courage and daring, 2. To make pure, 3. Gandhiji, 4. Phool Arpan, 5. Madurai, 6. Standard quality, 7. Infectious diseases, 8. Tennis.
Q. 13. Rearrange the words and make correct sentences:(2)
1. help a good valuable is health.
2. target the nothing but.
Ans. 1. Good health is a valuable hetp.
2. Nothing but the target.
Q. 14. Write one word that describes the pro-fession after reading the clues :(5)
Webmaster, Businessman, Play back singer, Manager, Doctor
1. One who heals is a.
2. One who runs a business............
3. One who takes care of a business.........
4. One who sings for films...........
5. One who designs an internet site..........
Ans. 1. Doctor, 2. Businessman, 3. Manager, 4. Play back singer, 5. Webmaster.
Q. 15. Answer the following questions: (Any 5) (10)
1. What message do you get from this poem 'Fog'?
Ans. The poem gives us the message that blind have skill which can prove an advantage over people with vision.
2. What type of freedom help us to make our country heaven?
Ans. That freedom for which the mind is led by God into ever widening thought and action, helps us to make our country heaven.
3. What did Sudha always do before her per-formances?
Ans. Always before her performances Sudha wou-Id explain each item to the audience and they begin to understand the emotion, melody and rhythm of Bharatnatyam.
4. What role do feathers play in birds ?
Ans. Feathers of the birds give us an idea about the life they lead.
5. In what sense is 'Heaven of Freedom' used?
Ans. 'Heaven of freedom' is used in the sense of independence.
6. What is the advanced locality management programme?
Ans. The Mumbai municipality's beautification programme is called advanced locality management.
7. Who was more loving the boy or the tree ? Why?
Ans. The tree was more loving than the boy be cause it sacrificed its everything to keep the boy happy.
Q. 16. Read the passage carefully and complete the information given after it: (6)
The name of the city is Khushipur. It has a river called Eternity flowing through it. The name of the most beautiful park of the city is Pleasure Land. The Tower of Happiness is the tallest building here. The Tower of Happiness is a magnificient building. It has an old mountain, called Money Mountain on its eastern side. The highest peak of Money mountain is Mint.
Complete the following information about the city:
1. City ______________
2. Famous building _____________
3. River _____________
4. Park ___________
5. Mountain ______________
6. Temple _________________
Ans. 1. Khushipur
2. Tower of Happiness
3. Eternity
4. Pleasure land
5. Money mountain
6. Temple of Humanity.
Q. 17. Carefully read the e-mail given below :(6)
Date: June-1, 2024
From: rashmi@gmail.com
To: sanket@gmail.com
Subject: Invitation for birthday party.
Dear Sanket,
You already know that June 6 is my birthday. On this occasion, my parents will organise a party, so I want to invite you to enjoy the party. I am looking forward to your company.
Your Friend
Find the following information from the e-mail:
1. Who is the sender of this e-mail?
Ans. Rashmi is the sender of this e-mail.
2. Who is the receiver of this e-mail?
Ans. Sanket is the receiver of this e-mail.
3. What is the subject of the e-mail?
Ans. The subject of the e-mail is invitation for birthday party.
Q. 18. Write an application to your Head Mas-ter to grant you three days sick leave.(8)
Ans. To,
The Head Master,
St. Xavier's School,
Bilaspur (C.G.)
Subject: For sick leave.
Most humbly I wish to say that I fell sick last night. I am suffering from fever and headache. I cannot attend my classes.
Therefore, I request you to kindly grant me three days leave i.e., from 6-7-20.... to 8-7-20.... and oblige.
Thanking you,
Yours obedently,
Santosh Tiwari
Date: 06.07.20.
Class VIII A
Q. 19. Write an Essay on any one of the topics: (10)
(a) Postman
(b) Mobile phones
(c) My School
(d) Independence Day.
(a) Postman
The postman is a helpful man. He works in a post-office. He wears Khaki uniform.He has a leather bag.
He keeps letters, parcels and money-orders in it.
The postman is a very hard-worker. He works in all the day. He brings our letters, parcels and money-orders. He is very regular. He comes to our houses, twice daily. We are happy to see him. We always wel-come him.
The postman collects letters from the postboxes.
He takes them to the G.P.O. There he sorts and stamps the letters.
The postman is a very careful and honest worker.
We must be kind and helpful to him.
(b) Mobile Phones
Mobile phones have become a necessity for life and without this thin gadget, many people would feel incomplete. We now use mobile phone in our everyday life as a phone, voice recorder, diary, alarm clock, watch and for making and confirming appointments, dealing with clients etc. Mobile phones are not simple electronic gadget and it is difficult to define in one way about the usage of mobile phones.
Mobile phones are really convenient as you can call anyone and anywhere to ask anything, with the help of mobile phones we all stay connected with our friends and relatives who stay far away from us. They help us a lot as when we are in problem, we can contact our friends and family members. We can pass our time when bored by playing games on mobile. Our phones keep us informed about everything happening around us. You don't need a camera as you can click amazing pictures with mobiles.
Inspite of these advantages mobile phones are a big distraction and don't let us concentrate on our studies. It affects our health also that it affect our eyesight and the rays coming out of the mobile phones are really harmful.
As everything has advantages and disadvantages, mobile phones also have its own adva-ntages and disadvantages. It is up to us that how can we use these gadget and make it useful for us.
(c) My School/Our School/Your School
"Discipline is the weapon of growing children". I read in Mission School, Bilaspur. It is the best school of our town. It is not a very big school. It has only 600 students. It has 20 classrooms. There is a big hall also. The rooms are quite big and airy. There is one office room also.
There are twenty teachers in my school. Our teach-ers are very kind and good. They teach us nicely. Mr. Das is our head master. He is a gentleman. Mr. Agrawal is our class-teacher. He teaches us English. He is a good teacher.
We have a big play ground. We play football and cricket there.
I am proud of my school. It is very dear to me.
(d) Independence Day
The 15th of August is one of the most important date in the history of our country. On this day in 1947 we became independent from British rule. So every year we celebrate this day as Independence Day.
The freedom fighters of our country gave up their lives to end the British rule in India. Every year, we remember the sacrifices of our freedom fighters and pay homage to them.
This day is celebrated every year with great joy. Early in the morning school boys assemble in their schools. The flag is hosted by a reputed person. All teachers and students salute the National flag. They all sing national anthem together. Sweets are distributed among the students.
This day reminds us about the sacrifices made by our leaders. This day is very important for us. We should live an honest life and respect our country. This will bring prosperity to the nation.
Write a paragraph describing a sport/Game you like most.
Ans. Criket-I like most
My favorite sport is cricket. It was first started in the 16th century in England. It is an outdoor game which is played in broad area, using a bat and a ball. The batting and bowling teams are decided based on a coin toss. It is played between two teams having 11 players in each team. The team that scores the highest number of runs is the winning team. There are three popular formats of cricket. i.e., test match, one-day international (ODI) and T-20. Kapil Dev, Sachin Tendulkar, Virat Kohli are famous players of cricket. I enjoyed this game most because playing cricket not only entertains us, but also keeps our health good.