Lesson 3 Measure For Measure
Word Meanings –
Measure (मेजर) = मापन, लक्ष्य
Patronage (पेट्रोनेज) = संरक्षण, सहायता
Poet (पोएट) = कवि
Scholar (स्कॉलर) = विद्वान
Fond of (फोंड ऑफ़) = शौक़ीन
Fine arts (फाइन आर्ट्स) = ललित कला (चित्रकला, मूर्तिकारी आदि)
Brilliant (ब्रिलियंट) = प्रतिभाशाली, मेधावी
Artist (आर्टिस्ट) = कलाकार
Invite (इन्वाइट) = आमंत्रित करना
Court (कोर्ट) = दरबार, अदालत
Portrait (पोर्ट्रेट) = चित्र, तस्वीर
Pleased (प्लीज्ड) = प्रसन्न
Majestic (मैजेस्टिक) = राजसी, प्रभावशाली
Handsome (हैण्डसम) = सुन्दर पुरुष
Alive (अलाइव) = जीवित, सजीव
Character (करैक्टर) = चरित्र
Skill (स्किल) = कौशल
Close and dear (क्लोज एंड डिअर) = बेहद करीब
Overwhelmed (ओवरव्हेल्म्ड) = अभिभूत, व्यग्र
Spur (स्पर) = प्रेरक घटना, प्रेरणा
Generous (जनरस) = उदार
Impulse (इम्पल्स) = मनोवेग, प्रेरणा, लालसा
Reward (रिवॉर्ड) = पुरस्कार
Chief Minister (चीफ मिनिस्टर) = मुख्यमंत्री
Experience (एक्सपीरियंस) = अनुभव
Administration (एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन) = प्रशासन
Disorder (डिसऑर्डर) = अव्यवस्था
Hasty (हेस्टी) = जल्दबाजी, अविवेकी, उतावला
Decision (डिसिशन) = निर्णय
Management (मैनेजमेंट) = प्रबंधन
State affairs (स्टेट अफेयर्स) = राज्य के कार्य
Complain (कम्प्लेन) = शिकायत
Approached (एप्रोच्ड) = संपर्क करना, पास जाना
Inept (इनेप्त) = अयोग्य
Assured (अस्योर्ड) = आश्वासन देना
Harmless (हार्मलेस) = हानिरहित
Remove (रिमूव) = हटाना
Courtiers (कोर्टियर्स) = दरबारी
Carpenter (कारपेंटर) = बढ़ई
Grand (ग्रैंड) = शानदार, भव्य
Feast (फीस्ट) = भोज, दावत
Serve (सर्व) = भोजन परोसना, सेवा करना
Morsel (मोर्सेल) = निवाला
Realize (रियलाइज) = अहसास करना, महसूस करना
Unbearably (अनबियरेबली) = असहनीय, बर्दाश्त के बाहर
Suffer (सफर) = कष्ट सहना
Horrible (हॉरिबल) = भयंकर, भयानक
Humble (हम्बल) = विनम्र
Forgiveness (फॉरगिवनेस) = क्षमा
Employed (एम्पलॉयड) = नौकरी या काम में लगा हुआ
Embarrassment (एम्बरेसमेंट) = शर्मिंदगी
Post (पोस्ट) = पद
Awkward (ऑकवर्ड) = अजीब, भद्दा
Incident (इंसिडेंट) = घटना, प्रसंग
Immediately (इमिजियेटली) = तुरंत
Resign (रिजाइन) = किसी पद का त्याग करना
Reading Comprehension
A. Tick (✔) the correct answer:
(i) Who was invited to draw the King's Portrait?
(a) Tenali Raman
(b) Carpenter
(c) Raja Varma
(d) Elders of the town
Answer - (c) Raja Varma
(ii) What did the artist get as a reward?
(a) Money
(b) Praise
(c) Chiefministership
(d) Kingdom
Answer - (c) Chiefministership
(iii) The artist's administration made the people of the kingdom :-
(a) Happy
(b) Unhappy
(c) Satisfied
(d) Pleased
Answer - (b) Unhappy
B. Answer the following questions:
(i) Why were the people unhappy with Raja Varma's administration?
Answer – The people were unhappy with Raja Varma’s administration because everything was thrown into a disorder. It was due to his hasty decisions and bad management of the state affairs.
(ii) What was Tenali Raman's plan to remove the artist from his new job?
Answer – Tenali Raman made a plan and appointed a carpenter to cook grand feast for the king, queens and some courtiers. It was to make the king realize of his error in making the artist the chief minister.
(iii) Why did Tenali Raman ask a carpenter to cook food for his feast?
Answer – Tenali Raman asked a carpenter to cook food for his feast because he wanted to realize the king that a person should be appointed on the basis of his ability for that job.
(iv) What does the title 'Measure for Measure' mean?
Answer – The title ‘Measure for Measure’ means that you have to pay for your action in equal measure. It also means to make a plan to achieve an objective.
A. Choose the most suitable phrase that will help to complete the sentence:
all senses, come across, close and near, suffer and die, unbearably hot
(i) Raja Verma became close and near to the king.
(ii) The food was unbearably hot.
(iii) Do you want us to suffer and die by eating this horrible food.
(iv) I have never come across such an excellent carpenter.
(v) The king asked Raman whether he had lost all senses.
B. Match the following:
1. A king's support to someone .
2. Things are in a mess .
3. When a person is not doing his job well .
4. Something that you would want when you are hungry.
5. A word you would want to use for someone who is very good at studies .
6. A person who looks after the administration of a state .
( a ) chief minister
( b ) brilliant
( c ) patronage
( d ) incompetent
( e ) morsel
( f ) disorder
Correct Match
( c ) patronage
( f ) disorder
( d ) incompetent
( e ) morsel
( b ) brilliant
( a ) chief minister
C. Frame your own sentences using these words:
brilliant, prominent, horrible, portrait, reward, grand
(i) Brilliant – Raja Varma was a brilliant artist.
(ii) Prominent – Tenami Raman was a prominent historical figure.
(iii) Horrible – The carpenter cooked very horrible food.
(iv) Portrait – The artist drew the portrait of the majestic king.
(v) Reward – The king rewarded the artist with chief minister.
(vi) Grand – Tenali Raman invited the king to a grand feast.