Class 7
Lesson –11 Grandchildren by Surprise
Word Meanings
meals (मील्स )भोजन
mess( मेस )गड़बड़/ अव्यवस्था
spill( स्पिल)गिर जाना
knit( नीट) बुनना
bake ( बेक) सेंकना
quiet( क्वाएट) शांत
neat( नीट) स्वच्छ
surprise ( सरप्राइज)आश्चर्य
joke( जोक) मजाक
borrow( बॉरो) उधार
yard (यार्ड ) बाडा
porch( पोर्च) बरामदा
hug (हग ) गले लगाना
keep off( कीप ऑफ़) दूर रहना
on time( ऑन टाइम) समय पर
out of place (ऑउट ऑफ प्लेस) अनुपयुक्त
play a joke( प्ले अ जोक) एक मजाक करना
go by( गो बाई) के अनुसार चलना / गुजरना
ad( एड) विज्ञापन
Cookies( कुकीज़)मीठी बिस्किट
Reading Comprehension
Answer the following questions.
1. Read the letter given in the lesson carefully and answer the following questions.
a. When was the letter written?
Answer – The letter was written on 30th September 03.
b. Where was the letter sent from?
Answer – The letter was sent from Madrid.
c. Who was the letter sent to?
Answer – The letter was sent to the grandparents by their grandchildren.
d. What was the main message in the letter?
Answer – The main message in the letter was that the grandchildren are going to give a surprise visit to their grandparents.
e. Who wrote the letter?
Answer – The grandchildren wrote the letter.
2. How was the address on the letter different from the address of the Newtons?
Answer – The Newtons lived at the Beech Avenue whereas the letter was addressed to Birch Avenue.
3. Do you find anything funny in the ad put in the newspaper? If yes, what is it?
Answer – The idea of the ad that the Newtons wanted to borrow grandchildren of any size and age was funny.
4. What did the grandchildren play with?
Answer – The grandchildren played with trucks, trains, dolls and a doll-house that Mr. Newton had made himself for them.
5. Did the children enjoy the time they spent with the grandparents?
Answer – Yes, the children enjoyed the time they spent with the grandparents.
6. “Even the clock went tock-tick.”
a. How do clocks go?
Answer – The clocks go tick-tock.
b. Why does the writer say that the clock went tock-tick?
Answer – The writer says so because he wants to show us that the children have even messed with the clock.
7. Name the things that the Newtons gave to the children.
Answer – The Newtons gave toys, cookies and lots of love to the children.
1. Put the words given in the list of word-meanings in the order in which you find them in the dictionary.
The words given in the word-meanings in this lesson are –
1 | meals |
2 | mess |
3 | spill |
4 | knit |
5 | bake |
6 | quite |
7 | neat |
8 | surprise |
9 | joke |
10 | borrow |
11 | yard |
12 | porch |
13 | hug |
14 | keep off |
15 | on time |
16 | out of place |
17 | play a joke |
18 | go by |
19 | ad |
20 | cookies |
They are found in the Alphabetical order in the dictionary. So they will be in the following order.
1 | ad |
2 | bake |
3 | borrow |
4 | cookies |
5 | go by |
6 | hug |
7 | joke |
8 | keep off |
9 | knit |
10 | meals |
11 | mess |
12 | neat |
13 | on time |
14 | out of place |
15 | play a joke |
16 | porch |
17 | quite |
18 | spill |
19 | surprise |
20 | yard |
2. Look at the difference in the two spellings of the word:
Neighbor – neighbour (The first is American and the second is British.)
Now complete the table given below:
American Spelling British Spelling
Neighbor Neighbour
Color Colour
Favor Favour
Labor Labour
Valor Valour
Parlor Parlour
Vapor Vapour
Rumor Rumour
Harbor Harbour
3. Use following phrases in your own sentences.
out of place, play a joke on, come by, keep off
1. Out of place – Everything is out of place in John’s room.
2. Play a joke on – We should not play a joke on innocent people.1. Out of place – Everything is out of place in John’s room.
2. Play a joke on – We should not play a joke on innocent people.1. Out of place – Everything is out of place in John’s room.
3. Come by - During my tour, I came by a beautiful stream.
4. Keep off – The thug threatens the police to keep off his hands.
Work in pairs
A. Look at the flow chart carefully. You will know how the paper is made:
Use is/ are + V (III) form of the words given in the brackets and put them in the boxes. An example is given for you.
B. Pick out the words from the box and complete the statements given below. One has been done for you :
Use as + adj + as
neat - pin
Example - The room was as neat as a pin.
cold - ice
His hands were as cold as an ice.
black - coal
His hair is as black as a coal.
hot - fire
The kettle is as hot as a fire.
white - milk
Her teeth are as white as milk.
blue - sky
The water looks as blue as sky.
red - blood
The colour of this rose is as red as blood.