English Class –6 Lesson –13 Gopal Bhand and Mahagyani

 English Class –

Lesson –13

 Gopal Bhand and Mahagyani

Word Meaning
jester(जस्टर) –विदूषक
 fluent (फ्लूएंट)– धाराप्रवाह
 philosophy(फिलोसोफी) –दर्शन शास्त्र
 identify ( इडेंटिफाइ) –पहचान करना
 scholar (स्कॉलर)– विद्वान
expectant (एस्पेक्टेन्ट) –आशावादी
hedge (हेज) –बाड़ा
 trip (ट्रिप) –किसी को गिराना
trick ट्रिक– छल,चाल
 attentive(अटेंटीव)– सतर्क
 hesitant(हेजिटेन्ट) –दुविधा में पड़ा हुआ,ढुलमुल
arrogant (अरोगेंट)–अभिमानी

Reading Comprehension

A. Read the statements and say whether they are true or false:
a. Gopal Bhand knew many languages. (False)
b. Mahagyani was a proud man. (True)
c. The King had many scholars in his court. (True)
d. The Pandit had good knowledge of dance and music. (False)
e. Raja Krishna Chandra ruled over Bengal. (True)

B. Answer the questions:
a. Who was Gopal Bhand ?
Answer – Gopal Bhand was a court jester in the court of Raja Krishna Chandra.

b. Why did the Raja announce a reward?
Answer – The Raja announced a reward for anyone who could tell Mahagyani Pandit’s mother tongue.

c. Why did Gopal Bhand hide himself behind the hedge?
Answer – Gopal Bhand hid himself behind the hedge to trip the Pandit to make him fell down on the freshly watered ground. It was his idea to let Mahagyani Pandit’s tell his mother tongue.

d. Why was the king angry?
Answer – The king was angry because no scholar could identify the Pandit’s mother tongue.

e. Why did the Pandit curse Gopal Bhand?
Answer – The Pandit cursed Gopal Bhand because he had tripped him to make him fell down on the freshly watered ground.

f. Which language did the Pandit curse Gopal Bhand in?
Answer – The Pandit cursed Gopal Bhand in his mother tongue.

C. Riddles
1. He was a ruler.
He ruled over a part of Bengal.
Who was he?
Answer – Raja Krishna Chandra

2. He was a court jester.
He had not studied books but he was a wise man.
Who was he?
Answer – Gopal Bhand
3. He spoke all the Indian languages fluently.
He had good knowledge of philosophy and religion.
Who was he?
Answer – Mahagyani Pandit


A. Fill in the blanks with correct word. Choose the words
from the list given below:
alert, fluently, scholar, jester, identified, tripped
a. Gopal Bhand was a jester in the court of the king Raja Krishna Chandra.
b. Everyone speaks one’s mother tongue fluently.a. Gopal Bhand was a jester in the court of the king Raja Krishna Chandra.
c. Dr. S. Radhakrishna was a great scholar.
d. Travellers should be alert about their luggage while travelling.
e. The police identified the thief by his clothes.

B. Find the words:
a. My first letter is in tap and set
My second letter is in read and not in lead
My third letter is in sit and in him
My fourth letter is both in pot and pan
Who am I TRIP

b. My first letter is in hat and hen
My second letter is ‘I’
My third letter is in dog and din
I am Mr HID
C. Give rhyming words for:


A. Fill in the blanks using ‘ly’ forms of the words in bold:
Lalita was cheerful. She talked cheerfully.
a. The lamp was bright . It was shining brightly.
b. The snail is slow. It moves slowly.
c. The boy was foolish. He answered  foolishly.
d. The sum was easy. They solved it easily.
e. The girl is smart. She talks smartly.

B. Mrs. Rai is a teacher of English. She has made some notes about her students. They are given below.
1. Seema - write - perfect
2. Sita - speak - fluent
3. Ashu - read - nice
4. Savy - spell - correct
5. Rita - write - careful
6. Salma - listen - attentive

Use these to say how well each student is doing:
1. Seema writes perfectly.
2. Seema speaks fluently.
3. Ashu reads nicely.
4. Savy spells correctly.
5. Rita writes carefully.
6. Salma listens attentively.

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