English Class 6 lesson 7 Jolly Kittens

 Lesson 7 Jolly Kittens

Word Meanings - 

Jolly (जॉली) = हँसमुख, विनोदी, प्रसन्नचित    

Kitten (किटन) = बिल्ली का बच्चा  

Eldest (एल्डेस्ट) = उम्र में सबसे बड़ा  

Cross (क्रॉस) = पार करना, एक छोर से दूसरे छोर तक जाना

Sailing (सेलिंग) = जलयात्रा, नौकायन

Puffed up (पफ्ड अप) = फूला हुआ, मोटा  

Youngest (यंगेस्ट) = उम्र में सबसे छोटा

Scared (स्केयर्ड) = डरा हुआ  

Noise (नॉइज़) = शोर, तेज आवाज

Wash (वाश) = साफ़ करना, धोना  

Butter (बटर) = मक्खन

Delicious (डिलीशियस) = बहुत स्वादिष्ट

Food (फूड) = भोजन, खाद्य सामग्री 

Reading Comprehension

Answer the following questions:

1. How many kittens went to buy the plates?

Answer – Four kittens went to buy the plates.

2. The kittens had many ideas about the use of the plates. Make a list of these ideas.

Answer – The kittens have the following ideas about the use of the plates –

(i) The plates are for playing.

(ii) The plates are for keeping off the rain.

(iii) The plates are for sailing.

(iv) The plates are for driving the birds away.

3. What were the plates for? Why did mother ask them to buy the plates?

Answer – The plates were for keeping or serving  food.

4. What scared the kittens at the gate?

Answer –  The kittens scared at the gate Stood a puffed up bird.

5. What scared the puffed-up bird?

Answer – Funny with his plate scared the puffed-up bird.

6. Choose the right answer. The kittens were

(i) friends

(ii) brothers & sisters

(iii) servants working in a house

Answer – (ii) brothers & sisters


1. Frame new words by re-arranging the letters:

(Clues are given in brackets)

(A) now – (Opposite of ‘lost’)

 Answer - won

(B)ward – (Make a picture)

Answer - draw

(C)dear – (What do you do with a book?)

Answer - read

(D) bleat – (a piece of furniture)

 Answer - table

3. Arrange these words in alphabetic order:

scared, bang, sudden, cross, curry, tasty, delicious, hungry, smell

1. bang               2. cross            3. curry

4. delicious       5. hungry        6. scared

7. smell             8. sudden         9. tasty


A. Complete the table:

1. catch   caught caught

2.teach  taught  taught

3.think  thought  thought

4.bring  brought  brought

5.buy  bought  bought

6.fight  fought  fought

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